EST2 - PRINTER switch settings - OKIDATA 192 182

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EST2 - PRINTER switch settings - OKIDATA 192 182

Post by Leo »

EST2 EST3 - PRINTER switch settings - okidata 182 195 192 print

The printer can be turned on in the SDU (Stripe/2400) and it will not cause a trouble on the system.
The printer uses (Xon Xoff) to control data flow and paper out/trouble.

The default settings in the EST2 SDU is - 2400 even
SW1 - 1,2,4 OFF
SW2 - 1,2,4 OFF

Switch settings- Super Speed RS-232C ML184 Turbo/ML186

Switch Bank #2
Switch...............Function.....SW2-1...... SW2-2.......SW2-3.......SPEED
1...................... baud rate...ON........... ON............ON........... 19,200
2..................... selection... OFF...........ON........... ON........... 9,600
3...................................... ON........... OFF...........ON........... 4,800
....................................... OFF.......... OFF...........ON........... 2,400
....................................... ON........... ON........... OFF.......... 1,200

The printer will cause the EST2 panel to go into ground fault if the 110ac plug has a ground lug, remove it.
switch settings ml186 serial card.pdf
(3.4 KiB) Downloaded 683 times
PT-1S Printer Switch Settings. Tech_Fax_No_010002.pdf
(190.56 KiB) Downloaded 718 times
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