Testing CO detectors with a can of CO gas
I recently tried to test a CO Detector (System Sensor CO1224T) with a can of CO gas and it failed.
So I bought a new one and that one also failed.
CO detectors are not like Smoke Detectors, spray a little smoke into a smoke detector and you get an alarm.
some CO detectors can only be tested with the test button and the ones that can be tested with CO gas need to be tested via the manual or it will just not trip.
Per System Sensor Tech Support - by pressing the test button having the device go into and out of alarm the device looks only at next few seconds for CO levels and not over a long period of time. which allows you to use a can of CO gas to test the model System Sensor CO1224T
Not All CO detectors can be tested with a can of CO gas.
first Alert - Can I do a CO alarm test in any other way besides pressing the test button?
Pressing the test/silence button is the only proper way to test the CO alarm.
CO detectors that can be tested with a can of CO gas.
System Sensor CO1224T - RealTest® enables a functional test using canned CO
RealTest® Feature: The System Sensor CO1224T and CO1224TR Carbon Monoxide Detectors with RealTest enable evaluation of the functionality of the CO sensing cell using a canned CO test agent.
- it seems that the System Sensor CO1224 is the only detector that can use canned CO gas to test it.
Also it looks like after six years is end of life for CO detectors by all manufactures.
Anyone Else have any issues
Testing CO detectors with a can of CO
record of completion, smoke detector sensitivity testing, Inspection and Testing and the AHJ
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