Silent Knight - IntelliKnight Series - Addressable Panels

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Re: Silent Knight - IntelliKnight Series - Addressable Panel

Post by Stu4202 »

Is my first time programming a silent night panel and the only thing that showing up when I start the panel up is a module 34 circuit 1 shorted and module 34 circuit 2 open.

Am I to understand based on your post that module 34 showing up means that there's something wrong with the internal power supply or is it the internal circuitry

Thanks for any help
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Silent Knight - IntelliKnight Series - Addressable Panels

Post by Leo »

IntelliKnight 5600.....$450...25 System Sensor ............ no Hochiki... 2 NAC circuits..... 2 Amps ... DACT
IntelliKnight 5700.....$550...50/50=100 System Sensor.. 50 Hochiki .. 2 NAC circuits .. 2.5 Amps .. DACT
IntelliKnight 5808.....$705...99/99=198 System Sensor.. 127 Hochiki.. 4 NAC circuits .... 6 Amps .. DACT
IntelliKnight 5820XL..$1100.396/396=792 System S ..... 508 Hochiki.. 4 NAC circuits .... 6 Amps .. DACT

programmable via keypad or software.
Flexput - is an input or output, 2 wire smoke compatible, 5820 panel and addressable power supplies.
Hochiki or System Sensor devices, Hochiki is old school, System Sensor dial addressable wins out every time.

Things to understand:
RS485 bus that communicates to keypads,printers,SLC expander loops, SBUS addressable power supplies
Most the time when RS485 is used it can NOT be T-tapped, the wire needs to be run in and out of each device. ( short wire runs it does not matter)
Some modules can regenerate the RS485 signal so a new rs485 data line can be used or you can think of it as t-tapping into the daisy-chained data line.
SBUS OUT is where the data circuit starts, SBUS OUT can be in the middle of the daisy-chain. There can not be two SBUS OUT on the same wire, only one, SBUS OUT is the master
SBUS IN is only used for class A
Modules on the SBUS are most the time powed via the FACP. voltage drops to the remote modules will limit distances. for large gauge wire capacitance will limit the distanes, check manual.

All Modules are connected to the SBUS even the internal modules.
Module Address numbers
1-31 - expandable SLC, printer, power supplies, annunciator
33 - Internal SLC
34 - Internal Power Supply, if address 34 01 is in trouble it is the output on the main panel.
35 - Internal fire annunciator (Keypad)

programming tips:
Report Events: by zone (do not use points)
If report event: by points - is used the module address will need to be part of the CID format to the Central Station. The module address is in the same place as a vista control panels partition, many Central Stations will have problems with this. ( USE ZONES )

MAPPING: - how inputs activate outputs
Inputs are smokes,pull,tampers,supervisory
Each input is assigned to an input zone.
multiple inputs can be assigned to the same input zone, by default all inputs are assigned to input zone 1
try and assign each point its own input zone. will help with dialers CID

Outputs are relays,NAC's,LEDS
Each output is assigned to an output group.
multiple outputs can be assigned to the same output groups, by default all outputs are assigned to output groups 1
group up all outputs with the SAME RESPONSE and only the SAME RESPONSE.

Programming the Mapping:
when an input goes active which outputs need to fire?
which input zones fire which output groups.

within the software under the MAPPING tap there are three fields
input zone, output groups and software mapping. software mapping is where it all comes together.
within the software mapping field you assign which outputs groups go active on which input zone and zone type
Zone type: ie. alarm, supervisory and trouble. The only three non-normal states of a fire alarm system.
for same reason it is broken down even more. detector,prealarm,WF,pull,aux1,2. WHY just to be dicks I think.

Templates: make one template put all the outputs in it, when this template is disable all outputs will be disabled.
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