EST3 - 3-SDU V3.72 will not map

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EST3 - 3-SDU V3.72 will not map

Post by Leo »

EST3 - 3-SDU V3.72 will not map

This technical bulletin is to inform you of an issue you may experience with 3-SDU version 3.72 when mapping a Signature signaling line circuit (loop) and how to resolve it.

3-SDU version 3.72 will not allow you to upload the map if there are unprogrammed device alarms on the loop during initial startup and the loop controller microcode is version 3.71. The unprogrammed device alarm causes the loop controller to remain in “Map pending” and prevents the 3-SDU from uploading the map. Previous versions of the 3-SDU did not have this issue.

This issue will be resolved in an upcoming release of loop controller microcode. Until then, to properly add or configure devices on the loop if they generate an unprogrammed device alarm:

1. Locate the active device. Typically, the device is a shorted input module (e.g., closed gatevalve or a pulled pull station). In some cases the device may be a detector.

2. If the device is an input module, disconnect the wires on its input to cause a trouble condition. Trouble conditions do not prevent mapping. If the device is a detector, remove it from its base.

3. Upload the map. Once the proper device configuration is downloaded and the map resolved, you may connect the field wiring. You can also use the “Disable Mapping” feature of the SDU Tools, as follows:

...1. Disable mapping on the loop controller using the SDU Signature Series
Status/Diagnostics Functions/Settings Mapping Disabled selection.

...2. Monitor the Mapping Progress screen of the Status/Diagnostics tool to verify that
the number of serial numbers found and communicating reflects the expected
number of devices (should be the number of previously programmed devices plus
the additional new devices you placed on the loop).

...3. Upload the map from the loop controller. This map should indicate the previously
configured devices, plus the addition of the devices added to the loop (in RED).
You may accept the new devices.

...4. In the Cabinet Configuration, modify the new devices for the desired type.

...5. Compile your rules with the new device information, Database convert and
download your new database(s) to the system.

...6. Monitor the loop controller using the Status/Diagnostic tool, and be sure the
number of Serial Numbers Found and Communicating match in the Mapping
Progress tab. At this point you should not have an”Unprogrammed Device” alarm.

...7. Enable mapping using the SDU Signature Series Status/Diagnostics
Functions/Settings Mapping Enable selection, and allow the loop controller to

...8. Resolve any map faults as usual.
EST3 - 3-SDU V3.72 will not map - 07019.pdf
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09018 EST3 - 3-SDU V3.72 Will Not Map Field Notes Bulletin[1].pdf
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