EST3-MAP -Signature loop map fault - changing devices out

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EST3-MAP - Commit Expected - changing devices out

Post by Leo »

If a device is has been changed out on a SIGA loop, COMMIT EXPECTED

When you go to a site with a lot of SIGA loops that may have devices change out, upload all the maps then convert and look of
Actual vs Expected mismatches detected!
There are three different places you can convert the map AKA (loop controller database)

If you get this error Identify which loop, then open the map it will be red.
high light the devices (at this point you will not be able to commit expect)
Open (Show Actual/Expected data form) -> open -> unmatched.
At this point if there is one unmatched device it will put it in your form (Actual vs. Expected data)
Now -> COMMIT EXPECT The map will go blue. convert it send it
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EST3-MAP -Signature loop map fault - changing devices out

Post by Leo »

EST3 - Signature loop map fault - changing devices out

When devices are changed out on the loop you can experiences great pains.
**note, Do not Accept Selected

upload the map then check Loop Statistics this will be the Expected/old serial number the map will have the new number.
At this point write down all the infomation, I find this to be helpful.

address.......Expected/old serial serial #

Goto -> tools->Signatura Series->Configure->(choose loop) and change the serial numbers.
Then convert the loop. You can convert just this card via the first tap of the Signatura Series->Configure (bottom right) Convert
important- If you get a mismatch STOP AND FIX IT
If you now check your map (do not upload) it will be white. down load if need be.

Do not Accept Selected
**If you did it wrong you may notice that there is a new device added to your loop and the device that was changed out has no Label.
This can happen if you Accept Selected,
This is not uncommon, and it can be a pain to fix.

If there is only one device that was changed out on your loop
- Copy the newly added devices Label and paste it back where it come from and delete the new device. now you can put the new serial number in for that device.
- If there is more there one device GOOD LUCK. Exit the program without saving, if not, you will need to copy/replace the Labels and delete all the newly added devices
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Re: EST3-MAP -Signature loop map fault - changing devices ou

Post by Jmcd57 »

I have siga mft , no instructions . Help
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Re: EST3-MAP -Signature loop map fault - changing devices ou

Post by EST5 »

SIGA-MFT Map Fault Tool User Guide.pdf
(2.67 MiB) Downloaded 3041 times
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Re: EST3-MAP -Signature loop map fault - changing devices ou

Post by netgoo »

Question: This process works if you have the program from the panel right? what happens if you are picking up this site with the map fault as a new account and the customer or the previous vendor didn't leave the database of the system? there no way around having to built a database right, start from scratch basically if they cant give it to us in order to fix the map fault and get the system to a level for adding devices or making repairs?
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Re: EST3-MAP -Signature loop map fault - changing devices ou

Post by Leo »

you will nee to rewrite the program/database for this panel
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Re: EST3-MAP -Signature loop map fault - changing devices ou

Post by netgoo »

Thanks, that's what i thought. I have been thru all the cert training but i haven't had a chance to use any of that knowledge for any practical purposes as of yet. We are ramping up and will be in the field sorting things out soon.
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Re: EST3-MAP -Signature loop map fault - changing devices ou

Post by old_tech »

If you use the mft or the new tool to obtain the bad device(s) and you replace the device, it will map. If there were any wiring changes done to the loop then you'll need the sdu. a common problem is there was a device that thought it was t-tapped from the start and now is suddenly working properly. For that you'll also need the job file.
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Re: EST3-MAP -Signature loop map fault - changing devices ou

Post by netgoo »

Thanks, that's what I was was thinking and hoping for...something hopefully not having to be rebuilt from the ground up. Starting with the tool to really let me know what the issue may actually be and going from there.
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