EST3 Positive alarm sequence for vr5.2 SDU

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EST3 Positive alarm sequence for vr5.2 SDU

Post by shaakmtwys »

I haven't had to program a positive alarm sequence on an EST3 before but I do have an EST Field Connections from December of 1999 that shows an example of the programming. Here is an example from it:
[Alarm rule]
Alarm '*' : DelayActivate 15,
On -Low 'NAC_*',
DelayActivate 180,
On -Low 'NAC_*';

[Operator ack]
Switch 'C1_S11' : Off -Low 'NAC_*',
Steady 'C1_LED1';

[and group activate]
Alarm and 'And_general' : On -high 'NAC_*';

[Reset command]
reset : Off -High 'NAC_8';

My question is, does this programming work with the current version microcode/bootloader and 3SDU? Does anyone have experience with positive alarm sequence? Is there a way to bypass the positive alarm sequence with a switch so that alarms are processed immediately?
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Re: EST3 Positive alarm sequence for vr5.2 SDU

Post by Leo »

it should still work.
install a pull without PAS next to the FW computer
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Re: EST3 Positive alarm sequence for vr5.2 SDU

Post by Y_Knot »

shaakmtwys wrote:My question is, does this programming work with the current version microcode/bootloader and 3SDU? Does anyone have experience with positive alarm sequence? Is there a way to bypass the positive alarm sequence with a switch so that alarms are processed immediately?
Yes it works with the most recent SDU. Yes you can bypass PAS with a switch. In fact you'll need a seperate switch in order to acknowledge the PAS before it activates an alarm.

The SDU help file pretty much has all the rules you'll need for it laid out.
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