EST Panels & Downloading

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EST Panels & Downloading

Post by DC-Bhefty »

I'm the system administrator for a small wholesale central station.
I have a customer moving several large fire accounts with EST panels.
When they report in 4x2 format they can push a csv file with the reporting code to us and we can do an easy data import. However when they report in ContactID format they claim all they can send is a PDF SAS dialer report, which gives me 98% redundant information, and about 2% useful information. My poor data entry team is now swamped with scouring through dialer reports to get ahold of reporting code information.
Anyone have any insight? Perhaps some instruction or a manual for the software, so I can point this customer in the right direction and so they can not look dumb in front of a fire marshall?
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Re: EST Panels & Downloading

Post by Leo »

I am sure it is an EST3 panel that you are having problems with.
the CID info sent to your central station is 100% programmable, most likely they can not reprogram the system.
mostly it is not the Alarms/Supv that are the problem, but all the troubles that the system can send.
most the troubles that could be sent to a CS are BS, a few are important, (telco, grounds and batteries)
CID will identify the signal as a trouble so do you need to add all the troubles
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