Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 3:02 pm
Prior to renewing license in 2010, a licensee will be required to have taken a total of
thirty-six hours of education during the triennial cycle of 2007-20 10 for 20 10
License Renewal. This thirty-six hours of continuing education must consist of the following
mandatory requirements:
A. One (1) Continuing Education Credit in Barrier Free N.J.A.C.
B. One (1) Continuing Education Credit in New Jersev Uniform Construction Code N.J.A.C.
C. One (1) Continuing Education Credit in the Americans with Disabilities Act Code 36 C.F.R. s 1191 And. ...A licensee seeking renewal of a Alarm License shall have. . .
D. A minimum of three (3) Continuing Education Credits in Smoke Detection
E. A licensee shall obtain the balance of Continuing Education Credits in related subjects
http://www.eliteceu.com/default.aspx 866-556-5512

This is what NJ requirements. 2 hours each @ $30 per hour = $240
Common Sense Approach to OSHA Safety
Introduction to the ADA
New Jersey Uniform Construction Code
New Jersey Barrier Free Subcode
Prior to renewing license in 2010, a licensee will be required to have taken a total of
thirty-six hours of education during the triennial cycle of 2007-20 10 for 20 10
License Renewal. This thirty-six hours of continuing education must consist of the following
mandatory requirements:
A. One (1) Continuing Education Credit in Barrier Free N.J.A.C.
B. One (1) Continuing Education Credit in New Jersev Uniform Construction Code N.J.A.C.
C. One (1) Continuing Education Credit in the Americans with Disabilities Act Code 36 C.F.R. s 1191 And. ...A licensee seeking renewal of a Alarm License shall have. . .
D. A minimum of three (3) Continuing Education Credits in Smoke Detection
E. A licensee shall obtain the balance of Continuing Education Credits in related subjects
http://www.eliteceu.com/default.aspx 866-556-5512

This is what NJ requirements. 2 hours each @ $30 per hour = $240
Common Sense Approach to OSHA Safety
Introduction to the ADA
New Jersey Uniform Construction Code
New Jersey Barrier Free Subcode