WinPak 2005 Comm Server

Winpak-PE/SE , NStar, N1000, PW2000
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Re: WinPak 2005 Comm Server

Post by Leo »

I think the Problem is your computer is to good.

As you can see Honeywell tech support is not going to have any answers for you.
You could spend a lot of time trying to fix the problem and never find it.

what about reloading winpak on a Vital machine VM, is reloading the OS for this server an option?
I am sure SQL is causing the problem, I would punt at this point. can you VM it and use SQL express or SQL2005

I am strongly against putting Winpak and other card access system software on a customers server, it's ALWAYS a bad idea.
when salesman get involved they tell the customer "We can put the software on your server and it works fine with SQL2008 2009,2010 and 2011".

did you check that the server has under 100 time zone (check other post)
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Re: WinPak 2005 Comm Server

Post by Leslie »

Thanks for the reply,

First thing I checked was the timezone thing.

I know that system is overkill. But being that this company is a US wide insurance company, their security policy dictates that the access control software is installed on server hardware. And it was hand me down hardware from when they went to all virtual servers housed in a data center in a diffrent state then the panels.

I was thinking that maybe the next step would be to do a total re-install. But I don't think the IT Manager incharge of the server would be to keen on use SQL Express when he has a licensed copy. I'll sugest it to him though.
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Re: WinPak 2005 Comm Server

Post by Leo »

when you left the post I was unsure if you with the customer's IT guy or the alarm tech, I see now you are the tech.

I would go for the re-build, put the responsibility on the customer to load the OS and SQL. that is just the way it needs to be, the customer is going to bitch and moan about it.

Two choices live with it or reload.
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WinPak 2005 Comm Server

Post by Leslie »

Hi All,

Have a situation with WinPAK 2005 Communications Server Service stopping on its own at random times on a customers system. All the other services stay running.

Talked with Honeywell tech support about it and they suggested that it was because the system was running out of resources due to them using remote desktop to administer the server. This seams highly unlikely to me since the system is an 8 core 3.2Ghz Intel with Hyper Threading and 12 GB of ram. Running Windows Server 2008 R2 with a licensed version of SQL 2005 not express.

Checked the even logs in windows and it does not show any errors with the service. They are not running any other databases on this SQL server anymore. And no custom SQL scripts running. Checked and removed the Temp files per Tech support's suggestion. And there were no RSDump files in the WinPAK directory.

Have it band-aided right now with a batch file to start and stop the services every morning to keep them from loosing more then 24 hours of transaction records, but we need a more permanent solution to the problem.

Any suggestions on where I should go from here?
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