Win-Pak Backup Restore 4.8.3 and higher- MASTERKEY

Winpak-PE/SE , NStar, N1000, PW2000
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Win-Pak Backup Restore 4.8.3 and higher- MASTERKEY

Post by Leo »

Win-Pak Backup Restore 4.8.3 and higher

I am running 4.8.4 4
why is this a shit mess
because now you need to deal with the "masterkey"

FYI: stop all services when backup/restoring

Backup Name - winpak 4-25-2021
backup description - not needed
filename - winpak 4-25-2021
uncheck append
check master key backup
master key PW - "your WP admin PW"

View the list of backups on a specific device
Browse - browse to file, high light
--- new screen ---
check backup to restore

when the backup is made two files are made
the database that was backuped
and MasterKey file

What is the Master Key Password?
it is the admin PW for winpak the

I made my PC admin login, winpak admin login and SQL admin login "ALL THE SAME"
then email to yourself and write it on the COMPUTER.
if you lose the winpak admin PW, you are reinstalling winpak and the OS and all the winpak database
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