I have built a new VM running WIN PAK PE, and had the 2005 DB converted and installed on the new platform. We did this ourselves, outside the DB conversion that Honeywell performed for us, as our dealer really didn't know what they were doing either and said it would be easy.
We managed to get everything installed and the services are running, cards are in the system and current compared to the still live version (2005).
When we attempt to test and run on the new version (PE) we have a Loop Alarm, and the 4 panels alarm too - Poll Response Alarm. Attempts to initialize the panels results in a Panel Initialization Failed Message - Command Timeout.
We have 4 panels as mentioned, which are N-1000-IV. Is there something I need to be doing to the panels themselves? Or would this just be a network issue between the panels and the new VM?
Win Pak 2005 Upgrade to PE on VM
Winpak-PE/SE , NStar, N1000, PW2000
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